We provide best gardening & Landscaping services
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Gardening 20 years
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Landscaping 15 years
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What kind of include
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Duis eleifend molestie leo, at mollis eros rutrum sit amet. Nam venenatis enim at magna euismod congue. Fusce semper malesuada purus.

Duis eleifend molestie leo, at mollis eros rutrum sit amet. Nam venenatis enim at magna euismod congue. Fusce semper malesuada purus.

Duis eleifend molestie leo, at mollis eros rutrum sit amet. Nam venenatis enim at magna euismod congue. Fusce semper malesuada purus.

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We provide best gardening & Landscaping services
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What clients says about
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At Kalote Animal Trust everything is done with love. The fact that it's a cage free shelter, they have proved that the old ways of caging animals is not necessary. Simply follow the pack rules, hierarchy & nature, & everyone can beautifully co exist. Giving a safe haven to many animals from hit & run cases, blind, handicap, cruelty cases and so on its a beautiful paradise for the ones who can't speak. Any form of donations are welcome there old furniture, towels, sheets, medicines, food, even volunteer programs. Help them so they can help the ones in need.

I've been to Kalote Animal Trust with my family. This is one place where you can see that every animal big, small, ill, well, handicapped or not is taken care of with utmost attention. Hygienic conditions all around, no animals confined to tiny spaces, and the love that the people who run the place show towards these animals is palpable as soon as walk in and also from the way the animals react to the visitors and caretakers. They are friendly & not agitated. Being there made me believe that there still are totally selfless people around who give their time & their love for the voiceless. Kudos to K.A.T.

I remember our first visit to K.A.T. as a very unique & special experience. We had visited with our kids & it was such a great learning for them to see different kinds of animals that are usually not seen living together actually living in harmony and peacefully. It was a learning even for me that things we have been taught in the past don’t hold true. There is a possibility that animals can live and coexist together without cages & actually respect each other, even lead a great life together. Pia & Sameer have done an incredible job & their love & passion for animals rubs off on others so it’s a memory that I am definitely cherishing for life. Truly impressed with their efforts which can be witnessed easily through the happy animals at the Shelter. Grateful to the both of them & looking forward to visit again soon!

Never seen anyone care & love so selflessly for animals, but all the people behind Kalote Animal Trust. Never seen so many rescued animals of all types live so happily, together & freely with each other. This is a mammoth task, every second of every day & everyone there does everything beyond perfect. WOW!!! Just WOW.

I’ve visited KAT, had a wonderful vegan lunch with Sameer & saw for myself how deeply compassionate & kind he is. Such a person is truly rare in today's world. I was inspired & filled with awe for the way all the animals in the shelter were taken care off. He truly has such a big heart you can see his kindness through the actions of the animals. It’s been my dream to be, even a wee bit like Sameer but for right now I'm living that dream helping KAT in whatever way I can. I wish I could do more but I know that every little bit counts.

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